Let's Celebrate w/ Coach Crystal

I just received another major accomplishment becoming a Certified Health Coach!
I'm always working on improving as a resource in the fitness and wellness field because it's so important to me to remain equip for all my clients.

As a Certified Health Coach, I'm an expert in health, psychology and fitness because it's needed to reach goals. I will provide essential training to help clients overcome struggles that are leading to lack of goal accomplishment, motivation, or behavior change. When exercise and diet isn't enough, this is where this expertise comes in. This will all help them live their BEST and HEALTHIEST life.
I will be creating new services to assist clients that are in need of this and am so excited to help more people! It's time to expand to work with others.
Thank you to everyone who allows me to work with them.
Let's Get It
Crystal Richardson, CPT, CNS, CHC